Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Back on track, Holy Sickness Batman!

I am sorry to say that I was pretty much really sick for a little over a week. It was pretty bad, and needless to say there was no GYM for me during all that time.

Good news is I started back in the GYM yesterday. I decided to cardio this week in order to get back in the groove of things, also considering that I did not follow a good diet.

Yesterday (Day 24):

I cycled, I set the bike to level 8 and 50min (45min + 5min cool down time):


As you can see apparently the distance traveled was 25.44km and I burnt 439 calories. I am sure I lost more, my heart rate peaked at 163. I had a nice sweat, and I tell ya, if you don’t sweat, your not doing much, I hit it pretty hard, harder than I have ever cycled before, if you recall I have never burnt more than maybe 380 calories on the bike, before, being able to surpass that was awesome.

Today (Day 25):

Again went back on the bike, but I set it to level 9 and same thing 50min. This time I also decided to cycle even harder, I tried to keep my RPMs above 105, I spent most of it at 112 RPMs, very tough I will say, considering it was also at a higher level.


But as you can see it turned out pretty good. I now traveled 27.14km and burnt 491 calories, almost 500 WOW, I mean as per the machine. My heart rate was through the roof, it spiked at 174, and I spent almost all my time between 150 to 165, I was sweating like if someone had a water tap running over my head, the sweat just poured down my face so fast, I had a hard time keeping my eyes clear of it, I had to constantly shake my head to try to avoid it from dripping in my eyes, it was CRAZY!. This was one heck of an awesome workout for sure and I hope to keep this up for this week, yes I will make sure to not keep my heart rate above 170 when I do this again, even though I did not feel my heart wanting to come out of my chest, but still this I not really that good for you. But I did keep my self in a zone where I managed to sweat it all out, so that was awesome.

Not sure if I will just hit the bike again tomorrow or do something else, but whatever I do, I will hit it hard.

Thank you for your time:


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