Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 26 & 27

Sorry been busy, however I did go to the GYM Wednesday and Thursday, today I could not go and I wont be able to go on Monday, however I will do my Yoga this weekend and I may do some other workout to compensate as well this weekend, depends if anyone is sleeping in the house.

Day 26

Alright so I decided to try and burn more than last time, if you check the last post I burnt 491 Calories as per the machine. I tried my best to peddle harder and faster, but I also had to watch for my hear rate it peaked at 176 so I had to bring it back down, and this is what I managed LOL:


I managed 496 Calories, damn so close, but it was so awesome because again I sweat like if I had a hose over my head, so much sweat, so hard to get it out of my eyes. LOL

Day 27:

I did the same exact thing, trying to reach the 500 calories, I did not take a picture because it was just 498, just 2 calories more that’s it, so close but yet not 500, and again so much sweating. I sweat so much for 4 days that it didn’t bother me to much not to go to the GYM today LOL.

As mentioned we shall see if I can do anything else other than Yoga this weekend and starting Tuesday it’s back to the GYM and Starting Wednesday it will be to hit the weights Open-mouthed smile.

Thank you for your time:


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Back on track, Holy Sickness Batman!

I am sorry to say that I was pretty much really sick for a little over a week. It was pretty bad, and needless to say there was no GYM for me during all that time.

Good news is I started back in the GYM yesterday. I decided to cardio this week in order to get back in the groove of things, also considering that I did not follow a good diet.

Yesterday (Day 24):

I cycled, I set the bike to level 8 and 50min (45min + 5min cool down time):


As you can see apparently the distance traveled was 25.44km and I burnt 439 calories. I am sure I lost more, my heart rate peaked at 163. I had a nice sweat, and I tell ya, if you don’t sweat, your not doing much, I hit it pretty hard, harder than I have ever cycled before, if you recall I have never burnt more than maybe 380 calories on the bike, before, being able to surpass that was awesome.

Today (Day 25):

Again went back on the bike, but I set it to level 9 and same thing 50min. This time I also decided to cycle even harder, I tried to keep my RPMs above 105, I spent most of it at 112 RPMs, very tough I will say, considering it was also at a higher level.


But as you can see it turned out pretty good. I now traveled 27.14km and burnt 491 calories, almost 500 WOW, I mean as per the machine. My heart rate was through the roof, it spiked at 174, and I spent almost all my time between 150 to 165, I was sweating like if someone had a water tap running over my head, the sweat just poured down my face so fast, I had a hard time keeping my eyes clear of it, I had to constantly shake my head to try to avoid it from dripping in my eyes, it was CRAZY!. This was one heck of an awesome workout for sure and I hope to keep this up for this week, yes I will make sure to not keep my heart rate above 170 when I do this again, even though I did not feel my heart wanting to come out of my chest, but still this I not really that good for you. But I did keep my self in a zone where I managed to sweat it all out, so that was awesome.

Not sure if I will just hit the bike again tomorrow or do something else, but whatever I do, I will hit it hard.

Thank you for your time:


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 23

I regret to say that I had an emergency today and was not able to workout, also I am not feeling so good, I think I may be coming down with something. I am pleased to say that I have not had flue or the cold for about 3 years so that’s pretty cool.

Tomorrow instead of doing the Cardio Recovery I will skip that and do what was suppose to be today Cardio Power & Resistance and then Thursday I will continue with what I had for Thursday.

Hopefully sweating what I got would be a good thing.

Thank you for your time:


Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 20 - 22

Day 20

Saturday I wanted to workout but there were people sleeping in the house so I just went out.

Day 21 – Yoga

I did Yoga X, it was pretty awesome, it’s the best thing to do in the morning and then your day is just plain awesome!

Day 22 – Craziness! I mean Insanity!!

Alright so this week is suppose to be my a recovery week, I will do recover from lifting weights, however I had about 3 days off last week, I’d say that is pretty much a recovery right there LOL. So this week I am going Insane and I will do Insanity for 5 days and since I am doing this for 5 days I am just skipping the test DVD and going right in to the meat and potatoes of the workout and starting with Plyometric Cadrio Circuit.

I had done this week of insanity right after I had finished my first round of P90X and it was a killer, the cardio is insane, and I can tell you that I thought I was going to be able to follow them very easily this time, but oh no. I started out very strong and I was digging deeper but by the time I had 10min left, I had to at least stop 5 to 8 sec before the next exercise to take a breather since I really worked myself hard to begin with.

I will also say that the warm up was insane, and because I had just started I was working my self way to hard and man I was sweating like if I was in a sauna, I had forgotten how awesome it had felt.

I am sore right now and tomorrow I have to reconnect a bunch of computers, that means I will be doing a lot of lifting and when I am done, guess what? I will be going to the next Insanity DVD, as long as my back does not hurt.

Thank you for your time:


Friday, February 4, 2011

Days 17–19

Sorry for the delay on updating, but time has been tight.

Day 17 – Shoulders & Arms + ARX:

I tried to take myself to the limits here, since I took myself to the limits the day before during Plyo. I will say that I was pretty sore on my thighs and it felt good. So I increased the weights to 32lbs on anything that had to do with biceps and used a machine with 120lbs for triceps. I will say that because there is a pulley system 120lbs is not really that, however it was pretty heavy. I felt my muscles pump up pretty good. My shoulders were no exception, I used 27lb dumbbells and my shoulders felt pumped as well.

For Ab Ripper X: I did the same thing, except that I made sure to do a lot more crunches with the 25lb plate behind my head, this really pumped my abs and I then finished them up with the double ab crunch machine with 130lbs.

Needless to say I went home feeling awesome Open-mouthed smile

Day 18 and 19:

As mentioned before I had training for 2 days and I had to travel, also had many things to do when I got back, plus had to go get blood taken today as well, I thought I would workout at least today but after drawing blood, it is not a good thing to workout right after or I could get an internal bruise with the pressure, which is why they say not to lift anything heavy for at least 3hrs.

I will try to workout tomorrow and of course Yoga on Sunday.

Thank you for your time:


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 16–Plyometrics

Today’s workout was pretty intense, all I can say is Holy Cow!

My plyo workout buddy was able to come today, and I will say it is such a huge difference working out with someone else, you feel like you need to push yourself harder, like a competition and so I did. I managed to keep up with Dominique and in some occasions surpassing him, I never done that before. Oh boy did I feel it though, my heart was way over my zone and I just pushed myself to the limits. The room was cold and yet I managed to sweat like if it was really hot in the room and all I could think of was DAMN! This is the best workout ever!

My buddy was also able to manage to last the entire workout this time, he had to take a couple of extra breaks in between but that’s the way to do it, don’t quit completely at the first sight that you had enough, take a short break, catch your breath and head back in to it and do your best.

I am glad I had one wicked workout today, because I am not sure about Thursday and Friday, however tomorrow I have Shoulders and Arms + Ab Ripper X.

Thank you for your time:


Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 15–Chest & Back + ARX

Yesterday was Day 14 and I did do Yoga in the morning, it was awesome as usual.

Today was also an awesome workout, I worked my chest and back pretty hard. I am still using 105lbs for the bench press, however I feel that I may be increasing soon, but I did increase for incline bench press from 27lbs to 32lbs. I also tried to increase my hang time at the end of my pull ups, this was pretty cool I could feel the burn as I fought to stay up, same thing with some of the muscles on my arms. Needless to say I had an awesome workout and I sure felt it.

Ab Ripper was awesome too, so far still using the same 25lb plate, I actually did mason twist with just my fists to show a friend and it felt so light, like I was doing nothing LOL since I am used to using the 25lbs plate to do it with, it is an amazing feeling and such a great burn.

Tomorrow I will be doing Plyo X.

I also have some more training Thursday & Friday, so it is possible I may not be able to work out these 2 days, however at the same time I have plan for my apparent recovery week which will be next week, a little crazy, so not really recovery LOL however it will be all cardio, but will let you know soon.

Thank you for your time:
