Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Two day update

Sorry but things have been pretty busy, all due to the holidays coming up soon. The only thing I missed was Yoga this weekend, however I took time to do some of the Yoga I did when my back was messed up in order to stretch my back and try to relax it. So far no issues with my back, all is well and still back at the GYM full time.

Yesterday I did chest and back. Still hitting it pretty heavy, however I am considering doing some research and changing the way I am doing my workouts. I am not feeling as pumped, well by the time I start feeling the pumped action my workout is over. I need to change the way I work the group of muscles out, maybe hit the same muscle more often instead of changing to do different things, it only seems to work well without weights for P90X, we shall see, for now I will continue with what I am doing and once I have time I will check it out.

The abs however I increased the weight, I was using a medicine ball of 6kg which is 13.23lbs. We don’t have a heavier ball so I had to use a weight plate, and there is no 15lbs or 20lbs plate, so I took a 25lb plate, oh man that was so awesome, try doing Ab Ripper X with that, way to cool the burn is insane, loved it.

Today I did cardio and I did the bike for 50min on hill pules and set to level 10, so apparently I traveled 24.06k and burnt 449cal. My heart rate went as high as 153. It was a really good workout, broke a nice sweat.

Tomorrow I will do shoulders and arms.

I will also say that I have a Christmas party from work to go to this Friday, which is in a totally different building so I will not be doing my leg workout on Friday.

So far I am happy with all workouts except for Chest and Back, will research it at some point, either more weight or less types of exercises, we shall see.

Thank you for your time:


Thursday, November 25, 2010

1 Large, but short update LOL

Sorry for the delay, I was busy plus I had been a bit upset at the same time, I lost my wedding ring on Monday and can’t seem to find it. It was to big for my finger since I lost so much weight, I should have been more careful Sad smile


OK so this week I came back full force to the GYM, I started with chest &  back and I went right where I left off and if felt so good, so good in fact that still today 4 days later I am still sore on my chest LOL.

I did my ab ripper x the same way with a 6kg ball and my abs felt so good, I really missed this.


I did cardio on the bike, I did it for 45min and I really pushed myself again with level 10.


Shoulders and arms, again exactly where I had left it off, I followed pretty much the P90X routine on this one, since I like this and again ab ripper x with the medicine ball.

Today Thursday:

I did card and I ran on the treadmill for 45min and it felt fantastic.

Well best part of this week so far, no issues with my back what so ever, it’s like it never happened. I am really happy.

What else am I happy about? Well today I went out and purchased a new pair of pants and guess what? I am now a size 30, if you remember I was size 32. They started feeling big. The size 30 does not just fit me, it’s actually perfect, I do not need to suck my tummy in to put them on, so I have enough room to sit down properly and to have a full tummy after eating LOL so basically I have room in them. The last time I saw size 30 was at the end of the high school year, most of high school I was size 28 and by the end I had increased to size 30. Damn that is really something.

So the main lesson here is that you need to keep moving no matter what, sitting still is what gets you fat and eating large portions of food very few times a day. So eat small portions of food at least 5 times a day (eat healthy too and cut things high on sugar like pop) and keep an active life style and this will help you loose weight and maintain it.

Sorry this was not more informative, but soon I will get back to being more detailed.

Tomorrow I have Legs & Back.

Thank you for your time:


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Another Cardio Day

Yesterday I did X-Stretch, it has been a while since I have done this DVD. It actually felt good to stretch.

Today I went back on the bike. I bid another 45min, but this time I increased the level to 10, before I did it on level 8. The machine said I traveled 21.16k and I burnt 392cal. It was really tough on the really high hill settings, a couple of times I had to stand in order to be able to continue peddling and trying to make sure I did not drop below 90 RPMs. during down hill I tried to increase the RPMs as high as I could, going at speeds of 140 RPMS, which is why I traveled further this time. Well it said I traveled further LOL.

Tomorrow I will be doing Yoga.

I feel so much better right now and Monday I will start the weights. However next week I have a 9-5 shift, so I will workout in the mornings again, also I have to move a lot of equipment next week as well, so I will be doing double workout basically, but I will take extra precautions and will use carts to carry equipment around when necessary as I don’t want to over due it yet.

Thank you for your time:


Monday, November 15, 2010

First day back

Today was my first day back after my back incident, it went quite well actually. As you all know this week I am just doing cardio, therefore I started with the bike. I used it for 45min, the machine said I covered 18.86km and burnt 334cal. My hear rate went up as high as 146. Did not have any issues, and I will say it felt fantastic!

I will take this week easy so tomorrow I will do X-Stretch to stretch my muscles that I have not worked out in 2 weeks and make sure my back gets the care it needs, also on Thursday I will do Yoga, so Wednesday and Friday will be cardio days and I will try the treadmill on Friday. So hopefully all goes as planned and next Monday I will be lifting weights again.

I will say I am pretty happy about this Open-mouthed smile

Thank you for your time:


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Time to get back to the GYM

Sorry for not posting any updates for a bit, was not really to happy with me having issues with my back. However my back is a lot better. I have been treating it like a baby. It seems I had really hurt myself pretty bad, and I am glad that I had done all this workout before and therefore my core is stronger than it use to be so I recovered a lot faster, but even though I was feeling better I decided I would not be stupid and wait.

During the time I was with back pains I did a bit of yoga, I researched moves that were good to relieve back pain, some of them are all ready the same ones we were use to like cat stretches, cobra and child pose, plus some that get you to twist your torso. I did them little by little, also discovered that you really need to relax during yoga, a lot. For example when you do cobra, your back muscles are actually flexed and are supporting you, but if your looking for flexibility, you need to breath out, close your eyes and concentrate on letting the muscles go, don’t let them hold you and you will be surprised on how flexible you become and you bend more plus the muscles relax, I didn’t know how much the muscles were helping me until everything you do with them hurts LOL.

I did this every other day and it helped out a lot. Today I actually did the full yoga X. I am trying to prepare my back to go back to the GYM, however this week I will only be doing cardio, and I will do yoga and x stretch in between my cardio. I need more stretching, 2 weeks of not doing anything and I can really feel it when I stretch LOL.

I was able to do the yoga x as normal today, with a push up in-between each upward dog and downward dog, and it felt so good, plus remembering to relax my muscles at certain times, really helped.

After I was done, my back felt a bit tired, so I am glad I decided to cardio it for this week, that way I give it another week for recovery and I start getting my heart rate back on track, plus if I feel that my back is not ready I will do another week of cardio.

I have not weighted myself, however I am sure I gained weight, I have not kept any diet during this time and I ate lots of stuff LOL, so it is also time to clean up a little bit in that department too.

Well I shall let you all know how tomorrow goes for me.

Thank you for your time:



I just took my weight, I just had to know and guess what, I have not gained or lost anything in these 2 weeks LOL I still weigh exactly 154.6lbs, must be because my metabolism is still going on high gear and I still have snacks, I try to eat at least 5 times a day. Very interesting considering that the first week I could not even walk, so I spent it either sitting or in bed, plus eating LOL.

Thought you would like to know Open-mouthed smile

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Quick Update

First off I want to apologize for not updating in a while, but first I was busy right after work last week and then I had a bit of an accident.

On Saturday I went to help remove the dock from the lake before winter arrives. I had the frame of the dock on my shoulders, and it was snowing wet snow and the grass was slippery, as I was coming out, I slipped with the dock still on my shoulders and trying to hold myself and the weight of the dock I threw my back out.  I have been at home since then recovering, so no working out or anything. I am feeling much better now and will return to work tomorrow, well I hope, but I wont be working out till I know I wont re hurt my back as I have been lifting a little heavy and I do back at least twice a week.

Well last week was pretty awesome, my workouts were very good, shoulders & arms went pretty well, I pumped up very good.

The cardio day I chose to do the bike, and this time I brought my media player, I watched Tomb Rader for 50min and I can tell you it was awesome I totally had forgotten at times that I was working out, however I found at times I was slowing down as I was getting in to the movie but I caught and increased the speed. I was on the bike for the entire 50min.

Legs and back was also pretty good, I kept the same weight than last time and it felt good.

I will let you all know when I decide to head back to the GYM and workout, but even though it is bothering me that I have not been able to workout and I wont be able to for a bit longer, I have to look out for myself or I wont be working out ever again and that is not something I would like.

Thank you for your time:
