So that is Week 4 Day 3 down, YEAH BABY!! Just about there to start Phase 2! Very Excited.
Well my calve is still a little sore, so I took an ibuprofen and did not do jumping jacks very hard, tried to somewhat do bounce movements with out actually jumping in order to work it a bit while moving my arms in jumping jacks motion. It was not the same but it is keeping me from really harming my calve further. However I tried to workout my upper body harder, also no issues throwing kicks so that was fine, it was just the jumping jacks break that I had issues with today. But I still had fun and still did my best to bring it and did not take a day off WOOHOO!! and did not hurt my calve more, so all is good.
I was thinking of ways to bringing it even more for the next Kenpo X, and I found something at Wal-Mart for basically $10, 1lb Weighted Gloves.
Now at the Everlast website they are worth $20, but for some reason at Wal-Mart the same ones, same brand and weight and everything, $10. They are not wrist weights which can sometimes bother, they are an actual glove, I tested them out I and like how they feel. So next pay day, at the end of this week if I can, I am getting these babies. You may think 1lb is nothing, but with the inertia of your arms moving fast during punches, hooks and upper cuts, it is going to really weigh about twice as much, so it is going to burn, so we shall see how that goes once I get them.
Well tomorrow I have X Stretch, so I can relax the clave so more and hopefully the stretches help me out a bit more.
Thank you for your time:
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