Sunday, September 12, 2010

R2D64 – Plyometrics & Pics


Today I worked out at 6:30pm, I was restless waiting to workout all day and I did workout my chest and abs a bit every once in a while, a couple of push ups and ab crunches, they are not noisy so no issues LOL. But when plyo time came it was awesome, I again followed Dominique and I had an awesome workout for sure, my heart was pumping and I was jumping like a mad man plus sweating like crazy, it was awesome for sure!.

Now before I worked out today, I had time to take the pictures I have fallen behind with, so lets take a look…


Well even though the skin around my lower abs is loose you can still tell I have abs, unfortunately the definition is not as deep, but hey I am told it takes time, I was fat for a long time and I am pretty happy to be staying around 160lbs so far.



Here you can tell that I also still have a bit of loose skin around my love handles as well. Other than that I am pretty happy with my results :o)


Alright now those pull ups are really doing the trick back here, check out the definitions I am starting to get, Hey I am starting to get wings! LOL

So far so good, and I am so addicted to working out and for some reason I can’t wait to finish these last 4 weeks of P90X as I want to start hitting the free weights and use some machines at the GYM, I really want to bulk up. I have a plan on using some of the P90X schedules and convert them in to using weights in order to keep the muscle confusion. Oh and I forgot to mention I am out of Whey protein and I have not gotten paid yet so I will be out till I get paid, oh well chocolate milk will do for now. But hey that will not stop me.

Well tomorrow I have Back & Biceps and I should be working out at work, I hope, I have to travel to another building for a meeting in the afternoon and hopefully I will be heading back to my building before I end the workday. Either way I will try to workout at the GYM.

Thank you for your time:


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