Tuesday, September 14, 2010

R2D66 – Yoga X


Came home right to do my Yoga. I was still sore from yesterday which is good, my biceps, pecks and abs are the ones that are sore and it makes me happy, normally means muscle growth, YAY!

My yoga went by quickly, and it was as awesome as usual. The biggest improvement this time was crane, I was able to hold it for about 25sec and the rest of the time I was just very lightly taping my left toe and quickly removing it from the floor, which was so awesome, I have been fighting with this one for a while, the weight did not seem so hard on my arms today and I felt a moment where all seemed calm, no balance issues, probably for about 10sec before the balance shakes started again, that was very interesting for sure, hopefully I should be able to keep it up. Also I was able to start my Whey Protein Isolate again today YAY!! especially with me feeling sore, that way it helps repair muscle quicker :o)

Tomorrow I have Legs & Back and I will do that at work.

Thank you for your time:



  1. Mate you are doing bloody brilliantly! I'm about to start p90x and your story so far is inspiring. Pretty clear you have done all the hard work to get where you have so far. I'm doing measurements tonight and fit test to gauge where I'm at and what I'm starting with! I'm going to give it my best and hope I can get similar results. Looking to drop kgs and put on more muscle (isn't everyone ha!). keep it up and keep your posts going - I have read most of them now. I have just created my blog scorch'sp90x journey@blogspot.com if you are interested. Cheers from Australia.

  2. Thank you very much! It is some hard work, and I will say if you can pass the first 3 weeks, then you should be able to continue no problem. I am glad to hear your starting, and make sure to measure everything most importantly body fat %, it helps out a lot, especially in the first couple of weeks, you may either not see a difference in weight or an increase, but once you compare the body fat, you will notice that the fat has gone down and you have gained muscle. Also make sure to take whey protein, it helps you keep the muscle, in my first round after I gained some, I lost a bit towards the end because I was not taking it. Best of luck and for sure I will be watching your progress :o)
