Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 85 – Yoga X

Oh my, 5 more days plus the extra day of X Stretch that may be a crazy day LOL and then round 1 is DONE! OH YEAH!

Today was raining most of the day and it was pretty chilly out side, so I stayed home, will be going out to a Stag and Doe later, that should be fun.


Yoga, one that should not be skipped, some people don’t like it, not sure if they don’t like hard work, or if they just have that mind set that they can’t do it, or they just plain think it’s dumb. Well it is one heck of a necessary workout, and this one alone I can blame for most of my cardiovascular improvements and my breathing. Trust me this really helps you a lot, if your doing P90X, please don’t skip it, just do your best and forget about the rest. Think about this only the first 48min is where the hardest part is, once you pass that, it’s down hill from there till you reach yoga belly 7 and finally it’s supper relaxing right after.

So how did it go today? It went good, no no wait, it went AWESOME! LOL Again nice and clean upward dog, a push up before every downward dog, I tried dropping as low as possible in the warrior poses.

Angle poses, man these guys are still tough, still trying, and no change.

Half moon and twisting half moon section, again I fought to keep the leg up while switching between poses and I managed, and again my glut was on fire, it hurt so much, I had a hard time going back in to warrior 2 LOL but it was awesome!

Standing leg extensions, for some reason I am starting to have some trouble going to toe lock, I seem to be loosing my balance a bit quicker so I did the regular leg extension, not sure if it’s because my glut was still in pain LOL.

Crane, so far, same thing, in for about 5sec or less and then toe on floor, I figured out that part of my issue is that I am sweaty and my legs slide of my arms, I may try to wiping my legs and arms down next time and see what happens.

Wheel, I am starting to go up to wheel a little easier but still not lasting as long, went up 3 times and lasted about 5 to 8sec each time.

Yoga belly seven, I love this part, maybe I am just a masochist for pain on my abs LOL but it feels so good, again on touch the sky and 3 part touch the sky, I pushed to go as high as I could, including pushing my hips up, oh man, IT BURNSSSS! but it’s so good LOL.

Tomorrow I have Core Synergistic.

Thank you for your time:



  1. i skipped yoga the first time i had to do it(looked too hard and thought i was too heavy 245lbs) and i have regreted it ever since.......the next day i felt even more sore and i did not want to work out but i went through the pain and worked out anyway next week i'm not gonna skip yoga and i'm goind to bring it just like i do with everyother workout

  2. Awesome! that's the correct attitude, Yoga is so amazing and I think that most of it, is the static holding of odd positions where your body has to use muscles it doesn't use every day, plus the stretching of the muscles makes you feel great after. Keep it up and BRING IT!! :o)
