Today was pretty awesome, I was allowed to borrow a laptop and use it to play the DVD, the GYM at work only had one person when I got there but he left 10min after I started, so basically I had the GYM to myself. I used the aerobics section of the room with the large mirrors and nice large space LOL. I never had so much space before and I never looked at myself in the mirror while doing Kenpo, I think it’s pretty cool, because I was able to see mistakes on my form and correct them, things you normally don’t notice and you tend to work harder because you can see yourself working out and can tell how hard it looked when you through a punch or a kick and can then add more intensity if it looked week. I will say it was a great asset, very awesome. Having said that, my workout was awesome! I had lots of intensity and my form was awesome, I had to correct myself a couple of times, but those were things I guess I missed before.
Again I took no breaks, also when Tony was talking I kept on moving to keep the heart rate up. Needless to say it was fantastic. Only thing is I was coming in and out of sweating hard because the AC was up pretty high LOL.
I wanted to mention something I forgot to mention last night, when I saw the news last night, they had a segment talking about weight loss and a new test they made. They had a large amount of people on a diet, now it was nothing major, just eating healthier, however they asked half the people to drink diet drinks and juice, and the other half to drink 16 ounces of water before their meal. The people who did not drink the water lost 9 – 10lbs and all the people who drank the water before the meals lost 14 – 15lbs. Not only did they lose more weight, but they also reported that they had a more clear mind and had better concentration. It goes to show you that what really helps you lose weight and is healthy for you is only a tap away and you don’t need to purchase weight drinks or pills or diet garbage. And if you have been following me along, you would know that all I drink is either water or skim milk since I started and I have lost a lot of weight, sometimes if I want milk and I think the meal already has to many calories I switch to water, why add more if your not sure?
Tomorrow I will take a rest day, I have to fix a friends computer and will do it after work, so I may not have time to stretch, but it’s ok as I now enter the recovery week. However I will try to have measurements and weight tomorrow.
Thank you for your time:
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